Prayers for the Parish

We pray for all who live and work in our parish and especially this week:

2nd           Byron Street, Aymer Road.

3rd           Caisters Close, Berridale Avenue.

4th           Clarendon Road, Clarendon Villas, Braemore Road.

5th           Coleridge Street, Carlise Road.

6th           Conway Place, Conway Street, Coleman Avenue.

7th           Cowper Street, Hove Park Villas, Hogarth Road.

8th           Ellen Street, Ethel Street, Hove Street.





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Years Mind


God to glorify,

Jesus to imitate,

That you have this day and every day of your life

The Angels and Saints to invoke,

Hell to avoid,

A soul to save,

A body to mortify,

Sins to repent of,

Virtues to acquire,

Heaven to gain,

The world to despise,

Eternity to prepare for,

Time to profit by,

Neighbours to edify,

Devils to combat,

Passions to subdue,

Death, perhaps, to suffer,

And judgment to undergo.

Let us pray for those who have died recently especially: Brook Lunn Pr. Mervyn Reading; Ester Williams; June Kee and also those whose years mind falls at this time:

2nd           Thomas Cartwright; Laura Jardine; Gertrude Gribbell; Harry Dale

4th            Lilian Rowan

5th            Howard Porter, Pr. 5th Vicar; Alice Bennett; George Gooch

                  Connie Sutton

6th           Dorothy Gray

7th            Emily Austen

8th            Alfred Brown