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We pray for all who live and work in our parish and especially this week:

22nd         Ranelagh Villas, Richardson Road

23rd          St. Patrick’s Road, Rutland Gardens

24th          Sackville Road, Sackville Gardens

25th          Shakespeare Street, St Heliers Avenue

26th          Sheriden Terrace, Titian Road

27th          Shirley Street, Walsingham Road

28th          Wilbury Avenue, Wilbury Villas, Welbeck Road.




Prayers for the Parish

Years Mind


God to glorify,

Jesus to imitate,

That you have this day and every day of your life

The Angels and Saints to invoke,

Hell to avoid,

A soul to save,

A body to mortify,

Sins to repent of,

Virtues to acquire,

Heaven to gain,

The world to despise,

Eternity to prepare for,

Time to profit by,

Neighbours to edify,

Devils to combat,

Passions to subdue,

Death, perhaps, to suffer,

And judgment to undergo.

Let us pray for those who have died recently especially: Valerie Spencer; Roberta McRae and also those whose years mind falls at this time:

22nd         Raymond Clarke

23rd          Emma Bullen; Rupert Jenner; Theresa Thomas

24th          Florence Branston; Joan Deadman; Ernest Woodfall;

                  Peter Pendleton

25th          William Trower

26th          Maud Holland; Ann Hillman; Edith Faulkner; Mary Trimming

27th          George Gunn; Elsie Robey; Edward Simmons; Winifred Coley;

                  John Fisher, Pr; Harry Richards; Corrado Miceli; Nick Macneil Pr.

28th          Warwick Phillips; Elizabeth Gribbell; Ethel Marsh;  William Favell

29th          Alan Reed, Pr. (**Vicar); Harold Lords